We are going to try and replicate the included images. Whether we’ll succeed remains to be seen. There’s a bit of ambient light seeping through the curtains in the Anzac room, but, we’ll have fun regardless.

Alan Rouse from Kempsey will be the Leader and once you have your settings dialled in ( please bring a torch so you can see in the dark…) we’ll have loads of fun.

What to bring : Tripod , Camera, Wide Angle lens, full battery , SD card and remote control trigger for your camera ( if you have) . What to wear…Black/ dark clothes because you will get a chance to swing the light-swords and wheels.

What will this exercise teach you? : The technical know-how on settings for a light-painting shoot anywhere…indoors, beach, subway etc.

As usual : 1pm-2pm if you want Lunch in the Bistro. The Shoot starts 2-4pm.

See you all on Tuesday.
