Covid-19 continues to rule our lives and it is impossible to tell when we can start meetings again. In the meantime the committee would like to let members know they are not forgotten and we look forward to getting back to our meetings and workshops.

One method of meeting our members has been by using the Zoom meeting app. We now held four meetings and we are on a steep learning curve mastering the technology. This week we subscribed to Zoom so that we can have longer meetings and enjoy other advantages.

So far the response from members has been underwhelming but we have had a solid core of 15 members who seem to enjoy the experience. We do not take ourselves too seriously as we learn this new technology and develop new presentation skills. If nothing else, members can catch up with each other, enjoy each others company and have a bit of fun and banter.

We have also held a few presentations by our members on photo editing, alternative photo editing programs and this week the subject was taking portraits in natural light. At 3pm next Wednesday, John Smith will do a presentation on how to take macro photographs. It is all light hearted and fun and I look forward to more members joining us. Just click on the link on the email which I will send to you at 2.50pm on Wednesday 20th of May.

Please contact me if you need help to get onto the Zoom sessions.