SATURDAY , 5th JUNE (9am-12) I’ve arranged for a professional Studio Photographer to set up Shop at our Club-Venue @ EDCC, Coles Lighthouse Plaza. There will be THREE studios. One for Portraiture, and two others for full-length images. Each of these studios will have professional lighting equipment as well as Triggers for you to use. You do NOT need a flash of your own for your camera. Your Camera, Card and fully charged battery will be good enough.

We will be shooting Disney Princesses : Rapunzel , Ariel and Alice in Wonderland and maybe Elsa, The Snow Queen. They will all be in full costume, perfectly made up and we will have loads of fun , surrounded by very pretty girls/young women, all eager to have their picture taken.

I hear some of you saying : What do we want with Princesses ? A couple of reasons : Firstly, models cost and these girls will do it for free. Secondly, you will learn a lot about lighting and specifically, the different moods one can create with the correct lighting. Thirdly, because you may never have the opportunity to shoot in a Studio with Professional lights in your life and lastly : You can use these images to do Altered Reality, Creative work or just straight up in the Competitions. There’s a lot to be said for a well-taken image under the correct lighting. Come along and be part of a HPG-initiative , instead of sitting at home watching Telly.

I try so hard to find us professionals who can teach us something. Please come and play on Saturday 5th June.

Virtual hugs, Lindie