All Members : Your vote needed for the APRIL In-House Competition !

The Competition is now closed and we need your vote. Follow these instructions :

Log in to our Website > Click on Members > Click on the blue window marked with a * that reads : Online Scoring (next to the April In-House Competition) > it will take you to a page that reads : Online scoring info.

Read through the info ( you are reminded that for THIS competition, your vote should be from 1-5) and then click on the same page on the LH side on “Set Subject” in a purple window.

You will be taken to the images > click on the 1st Image and select a number between 1-5 (right above the image) which, in your opinion, will be a fair score for the particular image. The following will appear on your score : Your score is being recorded, wait for the next image…and the next image rolls on by and you score that. Make sure you see , at the end of the 16 images, the note saying : You have scored all 16 images. If you have missed one, use the back-arrow facility ON the scoreline and check where the yellow indicator for the score of any image is missing and score that again.

Good luck with the judging !

Virtual hugs,
